Water purification industry information

Commercial water purifier

Views : 62051
Update time : 2021-08-20 15:57:41
Commercial water purifiers are also called commercial water purifiers or commercial water purifiers, which point out that the water volume is much larger than household water purifiers. Commonly used commercial water purifiers generally have 200 gallons, 400 gallons, 600 gallons, and 800 gallons. 1000 gallons, 1500 gallons, 3000 gallons and other water output models.
Commercial water purifiers are also called commercial water purifiers or commercial water purifiers, which point out that the water volume is much larger than household water purifiers. Commonly used commercial water purifiers generally have 200 gallons, 400 gallons, 600 gallons, and 800 gallons. 1000 gallons, 1500 gallons, 3000 gallons and other water output models. The value here refers to the daily water output. For example, a 200-gallon commercial water purifier has a daily pure water output of 200 gallons.

Commercial water purifiers generally have five levels of configuration, the first level is PP cotton, the second level is granular activated carbon, the third level is compressed activated carbon, the fourth level is reverse osmosis membrane, English abbreviation RO membrane, and the fifth level is rear Set T33. According to normal water pressure and water quality, the filtration accuracy of PP cotton is often 1 micron or 5 micron, and the life span is 3-6 months; granular activated carbon is generally measured by the iodine value, the common iodine value of carbon on the market is 800-1000, English Abbreviation UDF, life span is 6-12 months. Compressed activated carbon is made by compressing, cleaning and calcining excess powdered carbon. Also called carbon rod, English abbreviation CTO, life span is 6-12 months. RO membrane originated from American technology, with a salt rejection rate of 99%, converted to an accuracy of 1/10000 microns, and a life span of 2 years. Commercial water purifiers are classified according to their styles. There are ordinary commercial machines and luxury commercial machines. The number of filter element stages and filtration principles are the same between the two, but the price and line layout are quite different, especially the circuit, the commercial water purifiers manufactured by different manufacturers are very different. This will lead to a completely different work effect from the same name and the same shape, which is caused by the different internal structure.
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