Water purification industry information

What are the filtering functions of household water purifiers

Views : 53503
Update time : 2021-10-15 16:42:30
Household water purifiers are drinking water devices that perform advanced treatment of tap water. Household water purifiers began in the 1950s, gradually became popular in the 1970s, and have continued to this day. Especially when disinfection by-products were found in American tap water in the 20th century, many American families began to install and use it as a household water treatment and purification device. In our case, with the improvement of people's living standards, household water purifiers have already become commonly used household appliances. So what are the filtering functions of household water purifiers?
Filter function of household water purifier:

1. Purification. It can effectively filter out sediment, rust, heavy metals, and residual chlorine in the water, and remove different colors, odors, bacteria, and viruses in the water. It can be directly consumed;

2. Mineralization. Make the water contain various minerals and trace elements needed by the human body, and maintain the nutritional balance in the body;

3. Activation. It can change the structure of water molecules and turn large water molecules into small hexagonal water molecules, also called cellular water. It can quickly interact with the molecular clusters inside and around the cells to input nutrients into the cells, bring out toxic substances, and make oxygen. The amount is increased by 2.7 times, the reproduction of microorganisms can be controlled, and it has a good antibacterial effect. With ultra-low oxidation/reduction potential (-150 mV-350 mV), it can effectively remove free radicals in the body and delay the aging of the human body;

Fourth, weak alkalinization. Adjust the pH value of the water to make it weakly alkaline, balance the pH value of human cell fluid, and improve human health. According to the survey, 70% of diseases occur in people with acidic constitution, and 85% of patients with gout, hypertension, and hyperlipidemia All are acidic. Therefore, medical experts pointed out that acidification of the human body is the source of all diseases.

5. Magnetization. Make the water of small molecular clusters more stable, arrange more orderly, have information memory function, and increase a large amount of oxygen that can be absorbed by the human body;
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